Monday, January 07, 2008

Its another New Year !!!!!

A new year dawns. Every new year has filled me with hope and I step into this year with a hope and a prayer. I leave back my disappointements, my failures, my sadness and all that has to be forgotten. I'm leaving this company I'm working in and moving to a new company, a new role. Its a feeling like standing in a seashore letting the waves hit you and drift towards the sea washing away the sand beneath my feet. There is this sensous feeling when the water touches your feet and there is a sadness when it leaves your feet to join the ocean which is unfathomable. I'm going to miss HP and my friends here.

2007 has been a smooth sail. It has tutored me with some very valuable lessons. I have made new friends, got in touch with friends around the world (thanks to orkut), and lost touch with some of them when they moved on with their life. I have played a safe game. When I look back, I don't really have any regrets, but have the feeling that I should have done some things differently.

Looking onto the new year, I want to change so many things. My confusion to be or not be in the technical field and to take it up as my career still majorily exists. I hope to get this solved by this year end. Choosing not be a part of the literature field, is choosing not to be me and I hate compromises. I understand that there are a lot of decisions that I would need to take. I aspire to do things that I thought I would not be able to do. Sometimes, this thought itself provides you with the strength and courage needed to complete your deeds without fear. I just remember the lines :

"Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear."

1 comment:

Sindhu said...

Thtz a nice blog, Margaret. I wish you a wonderful new year too showered with loads of good wishes and blesisngs...shall keep reading yr blog:)